The Photography Portfolio: Building Your Reputation

If you have hopes of becoming a professional photographer, or even just of trying to get your work published in a public forum, you will need to create a photography portfolio. So what’s so important about a photography portfolio anyway? There are many reasons why having a portfolio of your work available for others to view. If you are seeking employment as a photographer, then the need for a portfolio is obvious. If you are not seeking a photography job, there are still good reasons to have a portfolio. For one, you love photography and you take a lot a… Continue Reading…

iPod U2 Special Edition Is Collectable and Exciting!

This Apple U2 special addition iPod is for Mac and Windows. It is very collectable because it is the only black iPod available. And of course it has the engraved signatures on its backside of U2’s Bono, Larry Mullen, Adam Clayton, and The Edge. Also featured on the back is a U2 logo and the phrase iPod Special Edition. The U2 is the only Special Edition iPod. It has 20GB memory (that means up to 5000 songs!), a red Apple click wheel instead of the usual gray, and the signature white iPod ear buds. This fourth generation iPod U2 Edition has a four gray scale… Continue Reading…

Remanufactured Toner Cartridges vs. OEM (original manufacturer) Cartridges

I have worked in the toner industry for over six years, and in that time have seen a good deal of change within the industry. The remanufacturing industry began as a drill and fill operation. Components were not changed; the cartridge was cleaned and refilled with toner. This led to poor print quality, defects, and cartridges that leaked toner into machines. Some companies continue with these practices today, but most have made a legitimate effort at selling a quality product. Quality remanufactured toner cartridges are now available. Remanufactured toner cartridges can actually exceed OEM quality and yield. Extensive testing and R&D; have… Continue Reading…

Your Guide To Basic Computer Terminology

Ram? Mouse? Isn’t one a animal and one a rodent? Ram…that is the zodiac sign for Aries… If this is what these words mean to you than you can surely use this quick glossary of computer terminology. It would be a good idea to read through them before purchasing a computer because these are things you should know about first. If you already have a computer then these computer terms can help you know what to do if your new computer equipment is unfamiliar. Lastly, this computer terminology can help you if you have to call in for technical help. Lets go! Cache: Cache is another type of… Continue Reading…