Buy A New Computer

Here is a quick and easy guide to help you in decideing if you need a new computer or should you just tune up the one you have. When Should You Buy A New Computer? By: Jacob Erdei As a computer repair expert I am often asked this question; should I buy a new computer or fix the one I have? Here are some tips and simple questions to ask yourself before you decide. Does your current computer work? If not, and is it over 3 years old? Call around to your local computer repair shops and get an estimate… Continue Reading…

Graphics Card

Are You A PC Gamer And Want The Best Out Of Your Graphics Card? In this article you will learn how to get the most out of your graphics card by installing new drivers and tweaking Windows. The guide is based around Windows XP Professional Edition but you can use the same guide to tweak other Windows operating systems. Step 1. The first thing you need to know what graphics card you are using. The most popular graphics card companies are nVidia and ATi. Both these companies have an excellent range of products and offer excellent service. Once you know what… Continue Reading…

Laptops / Desktops

How Laptops are Different than Desktops Laptops mainly differ from desktops in the following features: Power supply: As desktops can be plugged in an outlet in the wall (AC Power) so can laptops with an AC adapter. But how a laptop is different from a desktop is that it is portable because batteries can also power laptops. The batteries are rechargeable; lithium, nickel-cadmium, or nickel-metal hydride. Display: Also like desktops, laptops have some type of LCD display screen. Modern Laptops have 800 x 600 pixel resolution. This gives it a very clear screen and anything less should be avoided. Input Devices: On… Continue Reading…

Computer Mouse

  Never Used A Computer Mouse Before? This is a lesson for beginning computer mouse users. How to hold the computer mouse: Hold the sides of the mouse with your thumb on one side and ring finger or pinkie, which ever feels more comfortable to you, on the other side. Your index finger goes on the left button and your middle finger on the right button. (Some computer mice only have one button, some have several, some have a wheel which you can use your middle finger to depress the wheel then turn it up or down to scroll pages very quickly or… Continue Reading…