Do you remember the old saw about how computers would change our lives for the better? We would have more time to ourselves and lead healthier, happier lives. The truth is computers do make processing information lightening fast. It is just that today, we have so much more information to process and so many more distractions that the computer, via the Internet, has brought into our lives. So what is the bottom line? Today we spend more time operating a computer, for fun and for profit, than on any other single pastime, except for maybe sleeping. And if you are… Continue Reading…
There are many, many printer types and models on the market today. Before going to your local store or online retailer (by the way online stores have many bargains that you can only get if you buy online–) you should give some serious consideration to what your new printer will be primarily used for. For example; some printers are better at printing photos, and some are better for text documents, the newest printers do it all in one. Hewlett Packard has an all in one that scans, copies, and prints. Others have faxes onboard, so check out all of your options, give… Continue Reading…
It seems like fast never quite rates fast enough. No matter how quickly something moves, especially on the Internet, it could always move faster. Email, web surfing, downloading files (legally of course), none of them ever go as quickly as we want or expect. Well, let me do my part to perpetuate this microwave oven mentality (why must popcorn take 3 minutes instead of 2?) by giving you some tips and hints for making your online experiences and overall computing as fast as possible (even on a dial up connection). ** Hit The Accelerator ** Sensing a need for faster Internet… Continue Reading…