Stability The Windows registry is a critical component of your PC. During repeated and repetitive deletions, downloads and uninstalls which may not be 100% removed every time, your registry can quickly become clogged up with unnecessary or damaged or missing file fragments and applications. Troubleshooting Computer freeze causes Lets face it, at one time or another we have all had problems with our computer freezing up on us. No one wants it to happen but it is inevitable. So here is a great article to help you when your computer does not want to co-operate. A1-Computers How familiar does the following… Continue Reading…
Definition of a notebook computer A notebook computer is: an extremely lightweight personal computer. Notebook computers typically weigh less than 7 pounds and are small enough to fit easily in a briefcase. Aside from size and portability, the principal difference between a notebook computer and a personal computer is the display screen. Notebook computers use a variety of techniques, known as flat-panel technologies, to produce a lightweight and non-bulky display screen. The quality of notebook display screens varies considerably. Many notebook display screens are limited to VGA resolution. Active-matrix screens produce very sharp images, but they do not refresh as rapidly as full-size… Continue Reading…
The newest must have thumb drives are a must have computer accessory. Simple to use, small in size, huge data storage! Thumb Drives – Great New Technology! The ability to easily move data from PC to PC with minimal inconvenience is just another benefit computers have brought to the current business world. Over the past few years, the different options to save and move data have multiplied dramatically. Usually the floppy disk (with it’s 1.2 MB limitation), ZIP drives, CD-R’s & CD-RW’s, and even tape backups are the common ways to move data on non-networked PC’s. The latest innovation, the USB Removable… Continue Reading…
Buying The Perfect Computer The FIRST Time So you have finally decided it is time for a change. No matter what advice you follow that old work horse of a desktop computer you have has outlived its usefulness with slow loading applications and a continuous rise in operation noise. Searching for that Perfect Computer can be about as much fun as purchasing a new car and about as frustrating also when sorting through the various brands while trying to decide which ‘bells and whistles’ best fit your needs. Besides all that trying to return something that is so large can be both inconvenient and… Continue Reading…